Marvin Grove Tract

Northumberland County
83± Acres

The Marvin Grove Tract is located east of Route 600, Ridge Road, near Moon Corner in Northumberland County. The sale area is approximately 83 acres in size and consists mostly of loblolly pine sawtimber and chip-n-saw.

The tract is being offered as a clearcut by sealed bid. Bids will be opened Thursday October 12th, at 10am at the office of Forest Resources Management. Mail, FAX or Email bids will be accepted but must be received prior to bid date. Mailed bids should be marked: SEALED BID - Marvin Grove and mailed to Forest Resources Management, 7840 Richmond-Tappahannock Highway, Suite 200, Aylett, Virginia 23009. Phone bids will also be accepted but must be received prior to 10am. Email bids can be sent to Brian Mothershead

Any questions can be directed to Brian Mothershead 804-840-3362.

Sale Map
Topo Map
Sale Volume
Stand & Stock Table
Terms of Sale
Shapefiles - projected in UTM NAD 83 Zone 18 Meters