Our Services


Timber Appraisals

As the initial step in timber appraisal, FRM performs a statistically reliable and cost-efficient inventory of the forest.  Next, the data is carefully analyzed using cutting-edge technology to verify statistical confidence.  Finally, FRM appraises the timber. This assessment is based on recent sales of comparable timber within the general region that allows for adjustments in total volume, grade, logging conditions, and access.  FRM maintains proprietary timber sale data and a data analysis system, and subscibes to a forest product price reporting organization.

For cases of timber trespass, damage, or condemnation, FRM's staff performs appraisals and serves as an expert witness in litigation.  The firm is composed of Virginia Certified General Property Appraisers.

Timber and Land Appraisals

Sometimes land, as well as timber, must be appraised.  For purposes of acquisition, sale, or estate and trust valuation, FRM provides Certified Real Estate Appraisals, conforming to the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice.

Timber Sales

To obtain the highest price for timber, FRM believes a timber tract must be properly prepared and marketed to those buyers interested in the particular wood product offered for sale.  Often this involves contacting buyers out of the local region. When drafting and closing timber sale contracts, FRM's advice and experience help protect the seller as well as the seller's timberland.

FRM offers a "turn key" Timber Sale Service starting with the timber appraisal and ending with complete reforestation of the tract. Should the client choose, we can also perform only specific portions of a timber sale.

Forest Management

FRM currently provides for its clients long-term management on more than 50,000 acres of forestland.  The scope of this work includes preparing and implementing management plans and activity budgets; administering timber sales, boundary line maintenance, hunt lease administration, and growth projections; and maintaining and updating the timber inventory database and other related activities.  Before preparing a management plan, FRM works with the landowner to clarify the owner's long-range objectives for the property.  The plan is prepared based on the owners objectives, soil capabilities, and existing forest conditions such as tree species, age, and quality.  FRM staff are certified by the Virginia Department of Forestry to write Forest Stewardship Plans, by the American Forest Foundation to prepare Tree Farm Plans, and by the Natural Resources Conservation Service to prepare Management Plans.

FRM affirms that if properly managed, forestland will provide continuous economic, social, and aesthetic benefits, as well as diverse wildlife habitat.

Timberland Investment Analysis

After selecting appropriate yield models and forecasting future costs and returns, FRM employs appropriate computer software to calculate both before-tax and after-tax discounted investment returns.  Investors can evaluate the return they can expect from timberland considered for acquisition or from management of existing holdings.  Additionally, alternative management strategies can be simulated for their impact on investment return.

Forest Taxation

FRM provides up-to-date information on income and estate tax regulations related to timberland, helping clients stay abreast of current regulations, and ensuring receipt of available tax deductions for reforestation and timberland management. FRM also offers assistance in evaluating real estate tax preferences for timberland such as Agricultural and Forestal Districts, and preparing management plans as required for Land Use Tax Program compliance.

State and Regional Forest Resource Policy Studies

Land use planning and tax policy affecting timberland are primary factors determining the future timberland base.  Preservation of this timberland base is vital to the forest-based economy and necessary for a desirable environment including forest aesthetics, wildlife, and water quality.  FRM has the expertise in forest taxation and policy necessary to assist governmental agencies in forest resource planning.

GIS Mapping

FRM utilizes Geographical Information Services (GIS) software and GPS hardware to collect and manage spatial data. This data can then be utilized to produce highly accurate and detailed maps.  The maps are produced on multiple layers, combining such factors as timber types, topography, soil series, and road systems.  The maps are then printed at scales appropriate for specific purposes.